Main Line: +254 743 408 015

Women are arguably the hardest hit by the high levels of poverty in Kenya. This can be attributed to culture, illiteracy, and lack of training, lack of documented financial history and ownership of assets. When a woman is empowered economically, it has a profound and positive impact on the survival and well-being of children. Women empowerment and the well-being of children are inextricably linked.

Strategic Objectives

  1. Promote Table banking among the women caregivers
  2. Promote value addition to beadwork by women caregivers.
  3. To promote financial literacy to caregivers, for sustainable economic strengthening solutions at community level.

CIA is currently working with two Maasai women groups whose main economic activity is beadwork. The aim of working with these two groups is to explore other business opportunities that they could engage in to supplement beadwork for more income.

CIA is also working with a group of Young mothers between the ages of 15 to 23 to equip them with skills for economic strengthening such as mat making, soap making and kitchen gardening.

Economic Strengthening Projects

This project seeks to increase food security among the pastoralist community in Kajiado County while providing an alternative source of income for the women in the community.
Project outcomes
1:Increased food security and economic growth.
This project, seeks to equip women in parts of Kajiado county, Kenya with Bee Keeping skills and capacity as way of addressing rural poverty and improve livelihood. The project will enable them to meet their families’ needs such as paying school fees, hospital bills, and buying other foodstuff and clothing, through the sale of honey and other bee products. CIA appeals for your support to make this project a reality: $50 buys 1 Langstroth Beehive.